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Customer FAQ
Creating My Order
How do I place an order?
What is the cost of my order?
Why can't I submit my order?
How can I determine who is allowed to participate in my survey?
How do I exclude or invite former participants in my new order?
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Running My Order
How long does it typically take before I receive my completed order?
How do you process my order?
Can I stop a running order?
Can I add more participants to a running order?
Can I change payment in a running order?
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Finishing My Order
Invoicing for unfinished orders
What happens if my order ends before completion?
How can I reopen my survey?
Can I exclude participants if the results are not valid?
My Account & Registration
Which URL do I use to login as a client?
I am not a company. Can I place orders being an individual?
How can I obtain a receipt about payments I have made as well as invoices?
Charging your customer account
Charging your customer account via Credit Card
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Managed Service (Individual Setup)
What is the order procedure?
What preliminary information is needed for an offer?
How is quality ensured?
How do I receive the results?
How great is the risk that the results do not meet my expectations?
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Text creations on our Self-Service Marketplace
How can I assure that the results meet my requirements?
API Integration
Help with API processes
Placing orders
Video Tutorials
How to guides
Create Survey Orders