Why should I gather the IDs? 

When you order a survey with us and you use an external survey tool, we highly recommend that you gather the user IDs from the Clickworkers. The IDs are important for us to identify participants if you are not happy with their results. Only with the user IDs we are able to potentially deny the workers' payment which would translate into refunding you this money. 

We also offer the possibility to create teams, to exclude or invite Clickworkers from former surveys to new surveys. While you can always add all Clickworkers from a survey to a team, you can add single Clickworkers only via their user ID. 

How can I gather the IDs? 

When using an external survey tool the easiest but not fool proof method to gather the IDs is using a mandatory textbox in the beginning of the survey itself. However, this method has some inherent flaws: It is susceptible to typos and also there is no possibility to assure that the participants type a valid ID into the box. 

To prevent these errors we offer the possibility to automatically gather the IDs via an attachment that our platform gives to the survey URL. All you have to do here is activate the option "Add unique ID of the Clickworker" when you create the survey and also you should make sure that the external tool you are using is supporting this feature. Unfortunately this is not true for every tool so we recommend that you check this out with a small sample before you launch your full survey in case the transmission does not work properly. Our site will add the suffix (user_id=123456789, for example) to your survey URL so your tool should work with the parameter user_id . You may want to contact your survey tool provider about this.